An Excerpt From A Message Sent by Novato Unified’s Superintendent , Jim Hogeboom,

Regarding the Decision to Keep Novato Schools Open Tomorrow


In consultation with the Marin Office of Education, the Marin Office of Emergency Services, and the Marin Health and Human Services, the Novato Unified School District, along with all other Marin school districts, made the decision to keep schools open tomorrow, Tuesday, October 10, 2017…We have been informed by Marin Health and Human Services that air quality has improved, so we will continue to take all necessary safety and health precautions such as holding recess, lunch and P.E. indoors. It is at the discretion of parents to decide what is best for their child(ren,) and we support their decision if parents choose to keep their children home…closing schools will put an extreme hardship on many of our families who have to go to work and do not have any way to have their children supervised.  We want to have our schools open so that we can provide a safe place for our children to go.   In addition, we will ensure that students who do attend school remain indoors to the extent possible, which should keep them as healthy as we can….we can to work together for the benefit of our Novato students and families by providing them a safe place to go.


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